I've always been curious about the Slice of Life Challenge on the Two Writing Teachers Blog, but I've never tried it. This year, after meeting Stacey Shubitz at #CCIRA18, I decided to give it a go.
I'm thrilled to have an "official" reason to carve out writing time for myself. I tend to be more of a binge writer than a 30-minutes-a-day type of writer. And while I love the luxury of losing myself in four hour stretch holed up in a coffee shop. . . it means I write less often.
On impulse, I put the challenge out to teachers and students in my building, and I've been overwhelmed with the positive response. We currently have 97 slicers signed up from a variety of grade levels (!!!). We created a Google site for the school, and every participant is creating a personal page for posting writing. It's so exciting to feel the positive energy for this challenge across the school--I can't wait to launch tomorrow!