Teaching writers' workshop is the best thing I do all day. It is powerful to help young children to become writers. Great books, intentional instruction, high expectations, and wide open spaces. Think Katie Wood Ray. Think Ralph Fletcher. It all comes together here.

Same philosophies extend to instructional coaching. It's about clarity of intention, reflection, and ownership. Working side by side. Building communities of learners (of all ages).

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Brand New Year

A new school year is about to begin, and I can't wait to get writing!  There is nothing more magical than a classroom humming with creative energy:  pencils flying over rustling paper as ideas flow faster than developing motor skills will support.  There is no, "I don't know what to write about. . ." in here!  Writers' workshop is all about possibilities, and once kids are empowered to explore all their possibilities, they're in.  (Granted, this doesn't happen for all kids on day one, but they all get there.  And this year I'm looping with my first graders from last year to second grade, so we're starting off sprinting--no warm up required.) 

On this blog I plan to share units and lessons that work--and maybe a few that go down in flames.  I'll include mentor text I use, mini-lessons, student work samples, and rubrics for grading.  I'll post links to web sites I love and resources I find along the way.  Hopefully, we'll get some conversations going and build up our writing instruction together.  Writing is my absolute favorite subject to teach and I take it incredibly seriously.  Every year I am proactive about professional development in writing, and I try to crank my instruction up a notch or two (or five).  Blogging seems like a way to potentially collaborate with other writing teachers, and I'm thrilled to get started.  Bring on the kids!  I'm ready! 

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