Teaching writers' workshop is the best thing I do all day. It is powerful to help young children to become writers. Great books, intentional instruction, high expectations, and wide open spaces. Think Katie Wood Ray. Think Ralph Fletcher. It all comes together here.

Same philosophies extend to instructional coaching. It's about clarity of intention, reflection, and ownership. Working side by side. Building communities of learners (of all ages).

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

#SOL18 Day 13: I Think I Broke my CNN App. . .

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(I'm typically pretty intentional about not being political on social media, but this is authentically my slice for today. Setting aside time to write this piece helped me to process my thinking--and that is my purpose for sharing.) 

I think I broke my CNN app. . . 

Compulsively checking in

Throughout the day,

Hoping (but never finding)

The same collection of stories.

There’s always something




At the top of the screen.

What does it say when porch bombs

And civic activism,

The assassination attempt of a world leader

And the last Northern White Rhinoceros on the planet (!!)

Barely break into

The news cycle?

World events of import

That should lead the feed

Fall beneath

Salacious tales

Of porn stars

(Seriously--porn stars??!!)

And vicious tweets,

Policies seemingly

Designed to inflame,

The constant churning of

Conflict after

Insult after

Yet another non-example of leadership

And humanity to share/hide from our kids.

I don’t want a President who needs “leashing”

Or “unleashing.”

I don’t want to need a brain shower

After reading the news.

I click on CNN after the staff meeting,

Hoping for the peace of the status quo

(Such as it is)

Since checking at lunch.

My phone freezes

Locks up

Unable to refresh.

Uncle, it says.

We can’t keep up either.


  1. Oh yes. I identify. And we must stand up, speak up, and spread goodness! Very appropriate poem for today's world. Thank you for sharing. ~ Sheri

  2. I love everything about this and I am so glad you are back in this space. My favorite image (and there are so many to choose from) is " brain shower." I hope this poetic download helped to offload at least some of the filth.

    1. Thanks, Morgan. I'm trying hard to slice every day, but it has been an incomplete success. . . I'm noticing a change in how I get ideas for writing, though. Being challenged to write more often does have me noticing those small flashes throughout the day that would make great slices--and then I get so jazzed to dig in and start writing.

  3. The metaphor with you and your news app seems appropriate during this time. I often hope for no news, but that doesn't happen very often, unfortunately. It's good to stay informed, but it does take a bit of you with it.

  4. I find I need to stay away from news.
