Teaching writers' workshop is the best thing I do all day. It is powerful to help young children to become writers. Great books, intentional instruction, high expectations, and wide open spaces. Think Katie Wood Ray. Think Ralph Fletcher. It all comes together here.

Same philosophies extend to instructional coaching. It's about clarity of intention, reflection, and ownership. Working side by side. Building communities of learners (of all ages).

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

#SOL18 Day 20: Not Writing. . .


I have completely fallen off the slicing truck the past few days. . . and I miss it. I had just reached that magical point of enough days writing in a row where I was starting to find that spark of an idea in unexpected places. The flash of inspiration was coming faster each day--sometimes multiple times in a day, so I had generated a backup list of moments to dig into later.

And then one day of not carving out time to write somehow spiraled into four, and I’m afraid if I don’t stop the momentum of not writing now I will blink and March will be over.

I can feel myself not writing.
I can feel myself making excuses for why I don’t have time.

And it’s true. If I don’t put time to write in my calendar, I don’t have time for writing.

So today, writing time is during lunch. Even if this slice isn’t anything extraordinary, I will post it--because posting means I am writing.

I feel like myself when I am writing.


  1. Welcome back! It was nice to read your post today. It's hard to get into the habit of something, particularly if we don't make time for it. I'm glad you found solace in writing today.

  2. You’re back on track! Good job! One day at a time and you’ll make it until the end. Keep up the good work.

  3. The contrast in the two lines:
    I can feel myself not writing. and
    I feel like myself when I am writing.
    say it all. You have captured the momentum in both and said what we all have felt. Glad to see you #backontrack.

  4. You wrote today. Good! Keep going.
